The Ekman Scholarship aims to encourage students to write their master theses on topics that focus on international business and trade. A thesis eligible to compete for the Ekman Scholarship shall be a master thesis written on a trade related topic such as (but not limited to):
- Trade Finance
- International trading houses
- International risk management
- International financing
- Basel III in an international trade context
- Commodity derivatives
- International payment systems
- International logistics
- Insurance solutions in international risk management
- Global forest industry
The Ekman Scholarship can only be awarded to students at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
General Information
The Scholarship amounts to SEK 30,000 for 2024. If the master thesis has been written by two or more authors, the amount shall be equally divided between these authors.
The winner of the Scholarship will be announced during Q3 2024.
Evaluation Criteria
The Scholarship shall be awarded to the author(s) of the master thesis that in a meritorious way has shown how international trade can benefit from the application of financial theories or how innovative risk management can improve international business. The jury will place emphasis on innovation, relevance, applicability, and the author’s ability to problematize, discuss, and argue in a manner consistent with academic standards. If no thesis is deemed to fulfill this requirement, Ekman & Co reserves the right to not award any applicant.
The decision will be taken by a jury consisting of employees and board members of Ekman & Co. The jury shall provide a written motivation for its decision.
Application Process
Students apply for the Scholarship directly to Ekman & Co by submitting a filled out application form (available here) and the abstract of the competing thesis to Amanda Sannerholm on the e-mail address below.
Ekman & Co will make a first selection of 3 to 5 theses based on the received applications and thesis abstracts. At this point, the authors of the selected theses will be contacted and asked to submit a full, unabridged copy of the competing thesis to Ekman & Co. Jury members will then contact the respective thesis tutors to receive general input and information on grading to complement the jury’s evaluation of the final candidates.
In order for a thesis to be eligible for the Ekman Scholarship 2024, the application package must have been received by Ekman & Co no later than June 30th, 2024.
Please direct all questions regarding the Ekman Scholarship to Amanda Sannerholm (